Finally phfinished - The Tea Bag

My red fabric was bought sometime in the 80's. The tea pots and cups was a roll of border fabric I was given a couple of years ago. I had made a purse that turned out more like a weekender last year and had an extra snap. Still it needed pizzazz.
I love my embroidery machine. Found a lovely set of redwork cups and teapots on this site:

Then I added a couple of layers of plastic canvas in the bottom to provide support. It has 6 outside pockets. Just right for my diverse tea binges. Still. . .I have a lot of "stuff", so I made portable pockets to organize the inside of my bag. BUT, I think this is the final version. This may fit in the skill category.

Great detail on the tea cup embroidery. I love redwork, this is a clever idea for using it on something fresh. Great job!
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM
I love the idea of a 'tea' bag!!!
julie, at 11:52 PM
I really like your bag too! The idea of using plastic canvas for stiffening the base is brillant. Nice combination of fabric and detail.
Heather, at 1:17 PM
Your tote is wonderful. definitely skill involved. I like many of the designs on that embroidery site - which is a rare find. thanks
Margaret McDonald, at 4:46 AM
I think your design beats a $300 designer bag any day! Nice work.
Funky Finds, at 6:27 AM
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