Savored Moments

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Turkey Day?

Sometimes something happens that makes you want to tell about it right away, just so you can verify that you aren't completely delusional.

Years ago, I was at home in a well populated town and walked past my window in time to see a buck loping across my neighbors back yard, over the fences and through the neighborhood, till he came to the interstate highway and seemed to clear the east and west lanes in only 2-3 bounds. The image of that has stayed with me. What was he thinking loping along in town with all those fences and streets and people? However, it seemed that I was the only one who saw him that day. When I tell about it, it just isn't the same image for other people.

Well, fast forward 10-15 years. I have moved to a rural area. But we are in a neighborhood where we can converse with one another without crossing property lines. And there is a well travelled road only a quarter of a mile away. Dogs run loose, squirrels spend their days tempting the dogs, kids play in the road and drivers dodge potholes and killdeer.
Today I was puttering in the garage enjoying my time not working and the great fall weather we have today. Looked up and out the windows and !surprise! there are four big turkeys moseying along crossing the street and heading between houses.

Lying at the end of my driveway is the neighbors Cocker Spaniel snoozing in the sun. Several of my cats are sacked out in the leaves in the sun soaking up the good weather. I ran in and grabbed my cell phone. Rats! now they are too far away. Ran back to get the kids digital camera - poof! they are gone. Nothing else but a few leaves have moved. Now how did those big, clumsy birds get away so fast?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Happy Day!

Halloween was my last day of working for The Bank! That worked out so well. So many things accomplished this year, my surgery, ending a decade long job, Mom wins over breast cancer, and daughter moving back to her Dad's house.

For the Vulvar melanoma, I had surgery and did not have chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Thanks to the good doctors at UAMS! I was off for surgery and recuperation, now I am really off! I had sort of hoped for a couple more paychecks, but I guess I will make that up somewhere.

My daughters gave me accupuncture for my birthday gift. I can say I know something about it now. I would definitely do it again. And I got to spend some of my time on my Birthday with my eldest daughter. I still want to spend a little bit more time with my youngest daughter. She has had a writing project due, and has been a bit occupied, but eventually we will get a chance!

Now that I am in my first full week of unemployment, I am racing through my days to get all my items on my To Do list all finished. I seem to be adding more on than I am taking off! I am actually getting some things done though.

Today, I learned to operate the bucket on the Dig It machine. No wonder the guys want to work that! I had a good time too! I just can't wait for tomorrow!