Strawberry Sunday
This weekend is supposed to be a crisis. The bank is going through conversion. Yesterday, there were the minor crises that usually occur when a good weekend occurs. Lovely weather, so the belt on the lawnmower breaks and a blade dissappears. But, on the way to town to get a new belt, after little brother fixed the found blade, a pickup truck with a bed of strawberries was sighted on the Sav-A-Lot parking lot. Our strawberry season was supposed to be extremely affected by a serious cold spell we had a week ago. Trees, fruits, veggies and crops were damaged and the governor had declared a disaster. But, I bought three flats of luscious strawberries. Sold one to little brother and his wife and one to my friend, Kitty. The rest I have saved for myself and spent this Sunday morning putting them up for the freezer. I smell like a big juicy strawberry now!